Dammit, I was supposed to be taking notes but I was having too much fun. We’ll make do with a few general impressions: I suppose it’s a bit retro, but not self-consciously so — it doesn’t sound dated to me. I like this kind of hiphop: goofy voices, inventive, skillfull flow, plenty of hooks. The humanly imperfect loops can be rough or smokey, but never obscure their clear musical intention. I was reminded in places of Outkast, Lauren Hill and Noname, and it really makes me want to dance.
From the moments of erotisism to the useful tips on time management, this is a decidedly adult record. Not sure how much the kids would relate to it, but I hope they’d join me on the dance floor while I ride the volume knob for language. Speaking of which I can’t vouch for these lyrics, I haven’t processed them at all. All I hear is someone “shooting the shit over some pretty production” –that’s enough for me.
The format demands that I single out a handful of individual tracks, so I’ll mention the opener Stankpoo for its hilarious wordplay, and consecutive tracks Boom Bap and Nissan Altima made for a memorable one-two punch. But really, there’s not a dry spot on this record. Put the needle down anywhere you like, it’ll be a party: enjoy.